Saturday, June 20, 2009

Crush or be Crushed

There is this guy at work that keeps texting me. He's really great, and I enjoy our friendship, but I am curious about how other people may perceive it.

See, I am married and 35. He is 17. He calls me his big sister, and I call him my little brother. Our conversations NEVER venture into any kind of inappropriate topics, but he does ask relationship advice sometimes.

But I'm wondering if maybe he has a crush on me. That would be weird.

And I'm wondering what his mom and dad think. I kind of know them, and they seem happy he has a friend. I'm thinking that I'd be wary of a double aged friend.

He'll text many times, sometimes late at night, and during the day if we are working different schedules.

My husband thinks it's relatively harmless, and even invites him to the house from time to time to help with home repairs and to talk a little bit.

If the guy just needs someone to talk to, it's probably the least I can do, right? He's going through some tough things. But then there's the other issue. If he does have a crush on me, I really can't be his confidant. And I think that would crush him.

I want to reiterate that there is NOTHING about this relationship that seems inappropriate to me, but I'm really curious about how others perceive it.


  1. Well, usually I wouldn't find this too weird, because I was always pretty good friends with adult leaders at my Church. However, the fact that he texts you a lot is really kind of weird. I think that crosses the line just a little bit. it's great that you want to help him out, but I'd say try and make sure he knows that you can be his friend, and give him advice. Just maybe not texting and hanging out on a regular basis. Let him know you are there when he really needs you. But try and introduce him to some kids his own age, perhaps of the opposite sex. Maybe even encourage him to spend more time with your husband than with you. BUT if he ever starts acting like he does have a crush on you...make sure he knows that you are married, and a lot older than him. It may crush him a little bit..but trust me, he will get over it. Like I said before..introduce him to some girls his own age :)

  2. Well, Here's to YOU Mrs Robinson!

    ok ok...

    I do think it sounds like your friendliness may be being misinterpreted. Teenagers aren't really known for their reasoning abilities.

    My advice would be to quit responding at all to texts that come at inappropriate times, and only respond with limited friendliness to the others. If he needs someone to talk to, there are lots of other people who will fill in the gaps. Your husband could be one of them.


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