Wednesday, June 10, 2009


More danger comes from people not understanding technology than it does from people misusing it.

A friend is getting married, so he starts a thread on facebook, asking for people's home addresses. A THREAD WITH LIKE 90 PEOPLE!!!! Ok, buddy, it was simple to send like that. but now, I get 3 or 4 emails a day with OTHER PEOPLES ADDRESSES!!! Lets ignore the naivety of the people sending their address to EVERYONE in the thread, and focus on my inconvenience. Do you know how excited I get when I see a message from facebook? It is so cool to hear from all the old friends I've reunited with. BUT SRSLY, I HATE DELETING THESE!! IT"S WORSE THAN SPAM, because at least The Honorable Huy F. Chein from Hong Kong makes me laugh while he tries to convince me I am his best bet at cashing misplaced government bonds.

You know what, I think I know what I'm gonna do the day of the wedding. I'm going "shopping." I have a whole list of people I know won't be home.


  1. Naivite + Stupidity = Facebook.
    Sorry, but it had to be said.

    (And I like Facebook!)

  2. That is by far one of the MOST annoying things ever. I always get so excited when I see a little 1 next to my inbox on facebook saying I have a message..and when I see its from a group, or something like this...I'm always kind of bummed.


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